Saturday, January 30, 2010

Three Ways to Use Blogs in Class

1. One of the first ways I would use blogs within my own classroom would be as some form of assessment. This type of assessment would allow the students to express themselves in a more creative fashion than they normally would be able to with just writing an essay. Students would be able to import pictures, videos, audio clips, and hyperlinks within there blog to explain and support the information that they are providing within the blog. Blogs are also something that most students are familar with today, so it could be easier and less stressful for them to create a blog on an historic topic than to write a paper or to take a test.

2. I would use a classroom blog where students could find out information about due dates for certain assignments, post rubrics for the assignments, and create a forum where the students are able to answer questions or pose questions about different types of activities that will be posted on the classroom blog. By providing links on the classroom blog about the topics we are learning about, it will allow the students to learn in a less stressfull environment and at their own rate.

3. The classroom blog would also be a way for the parents of the students to keep track of what their students are learning within the classroom. It could get the parents more involved in the students learning process, something that most teachers would love to have.

1 comment:

  1. These would all be excellent uses of blogs. However, I would call the first one you describe to be task-based learning which you then assess.

    Dr. Burgos
